IDA Minutes 27 JAN 2022

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 27, 2022


January 27, 2022

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Authority of Campbell County, Virginia, was held in the Citizen Services Building first-floor conference room, Rustburg, Virginia, on January 27, 2022.

The Directors present were:

Vance Driskill, Chairman

Jack Dean (left at 7:25 p.m.)

Larry Dalton, Vice Chairman

Thomas Vaughan

George Rosser, Secretary Treasurer (arrived at 7:08 p.m.)

Don Wooldridge

Dennis Rosser


The Directors Absent were:


Also present:

              Nina Rezai, Campbell County Economic Development Manager
              Frank Wright, Esq., Overbey, Hawkins, Wright, & Vance, PLLC
              Kim Stewart, Campbell County Economic Development Administrative Assistant

Call to Order

//           Chairman Driskill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Review and Approval of Minutes

//           All members having acknowledged review of the minutes of October 28, 2021, Chairman Driskill called for a motion to approve. Mr. Don Wooldridge motioned and Mr. Thomas Vaughan seconded. With all in favor and none opposed, the minutes were approved.

Financial Report

//           Ms. Rezai reviewed the IDA balance statement and Simplimatic Lease statement. She highlighted the increase in revenue that started in January with the beginning of Simplimatic’s new lease. Mr. Jack Dean motioned to approve the financial reports, Mr. Wooldridge seconded, and following unanimous agreement the reports were approved.

Staff Changes

//           Next, Ms. Rezai informed the authority that Sarah Johnson, who worked as the Economic Development Specialist for ten years, had transitioned in December to a different County position. She also let them know that a new employee had been hired and would start in March, and that a second new position for an additional employee was in the interviewing process for an engagement liaison position. She reviewed the community outreach expectations for this position.

Project Updates

//           Ms. Rezai reviewed the project updates and highlighted that the County currently has three active grants with the Tobacco Commission, and she went on to explain the newest agriculture grant and that the Campbell County Extension Office would be the major facilitators of this grant.

//           Ms. Rezai also mentioned that Campbell County was a co-applicant with the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance (LRBA) and the Town of Altavista on a grant for a feasibility study at VTI to create a manufacturing incubator space and it was approved. The feasibility study will be to confirm the size restraints they can use in that building, and foster a good environment for businesses; and the study is necessary before the County can go to larger agencies for grant funding on construction.

//           Finally, Ms. Rezai stated that Dearing Ford was approved a grant from the state economic development office for a $5,000 grant to get their first round of categorization done on Dearing Ford in the expanded property, and it will be put into the state system just as was done for Seneca.

//           She also said, just so that the authority was aware, that the next big push in the upcoming administration from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) is to put money into the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program. She let them know this so that if they are thinking about upcoming projects, that there is grant funding to be had. She recommended they give it some thought and can center the March meeting around what direction the authority wishes to take.

//           Chairman Driskill asked if Ms. Rezai knew what was going on with the Sanfacon building in Brookneal. Ms. Rezai said that the building is empty and she had LRBA do a drone video of the building that looks nice. She has shown the building to a few prospects and the main hang up is that the building does not have a Phase I environmental study on it and the owner is not interested in doing it because it can cost up to $10,000. VEDP is aware of this.

//           Mr. Wooldridge asked if Ms. Rezai could speak on the tire-shredding company that had wanted to move into Seneca Park, because he was recently approved for a half-million-dollar facility in Pittsylvania County. Ms. Rezai answered that the open session comment was that the business owner made a very low offer on the property and the property has a lot of infrastructure needs that are very expensive, and the economic impact the business would make was minimal because it would not add jobs. Overall, it would have been a hard sell. Chairman Driskill added that the business owner was open to future potential business with the County and this particular business ask was left on amicable terms. 


//           Hearing no further questions, Chairman Driskill called for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dennis Rosser motioned and Mr. George Rosser seconded. With all in favor and none opposed, the meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.


January 27, 2022

Vance Driskill, Chairman


Larry Dalton, Vice Chairman