Patrick Henry's Red Hill

Patrick Henry's Red Hill
1250 Red Hill Road
Brookneal, VA 24528

Patrick Henry’s Red Hill includes Patrick Henry’s Grave and Law Office, his reconstructed House and other outbuildings, rare family artifacts in the E. Stuart James Grant Museum Room, the Museum Shop, and a growing network of interpretive scenic trails.

In many ways, the beauty of Red Hill and the landscape surrounding it has not changed substantially from the days when Patrick Henry himself would stroll the grounds, seeking comfort in the woods and gardens and sounds of nature. The serenity that he found here, in the place he called the “ garden spot of the world” has been preserved.

In the woods, about half a mile west of the Visitor Center at Red Hill is an isolated cemetery that holds the remains of at least three generations of African Americans. It is a silent but powerful reminder that Red Hill, like the homes of other Founding Fathers at Mount Vernon and Monticello, was a plantation dependent on the work of enslaved persons. Visitors to Red Hill can visit this sacred site by walking down the Quarter Place Trail.